
家乡: 芝加哥,伊利诺斯州
主要: 政治科学与历史
额外的教育: M.A. 公共政策' 15,博彩平台网址大全
Doctorate Degree at University of 哈特福德, expected May ’21
当前职业: Director, Myatt Center for Diversity & 包容,纽黑文大学
Extracurricular Activities at Trinity: Men of Color Alliance (MOCA), La Voz Latina (LVL), Student Government


I appreciated Trinity as a small setting. I was not prepared to attend a large university, so Trinity’s size was perfect. I also strongly preferred an institution that was in an urban setting like 哈特福德.

Posse prepared me to have some of the most difficult conversations I had on campus. Navigating Trinity’s campus isn’t always the easiest thing to do when you come from Chicago and your high school was majority people of color. Posse provided me with the tools to adjust and to prosper.

My favorite Trinity experience was having to walk from the south side of the campus all the way to the Umoja House or to La Eracra for an LVL or MOCA meeting. With MOCA in mind, those men will be my groomsmen at my wedding.

Taniqua HuguleyTaniqua K. Huguley 15, M 17

家乡: 纽约皇后区
主要: 社会学
小: 法律研究
额外的教育: M.A. 公共政策' 17,博彩平台网址大全
当前职业: Outreach Director, Open Communities Alliance
最近的识别: U.S. 富布赖特学生研究项目, “50 for the Next 50” at 博彩平台网址大全, 哈特福德最优秀的100名有色人种女性
Extracurricular Activities at Trinity: 博彩平台网址大全 Black Women’s Organization (TCBWO, 总统), Students Who Achieve Greatness (SWAGG, 创始人兼导师), Multicultural Recruitment Team Intern, Umoja House (Cultural House Coordinator), 校友 Relations (Student 校友 Ambassador and Student Manager)
Research or Internships while at Trinity: , Trinity’s Legislative Internship with the Connecticut General Assembly, 高级研究项目, 硕士研究项目


-Office of Multicultural Affairs seemed like they created a safe, close, and welcoming community
-招生 Office did extensive outreach to prospective applicants

My Posse was the glue to my Trinity experience. My posse was one of my biggest support systems. We remained close while at Trinity, and we are still close today.

– Late night bistro (alternative campus dining option)
– During my first semester, I took a 社会学 course with Dr. 约翰尼·威廉姆斯. 这是一次改变人生的经历!
– Welcome back parties for Trinity alumni

Be sure to take advantage of resources on campus and in the city of 哈特福德.


Neve里维拉, 20岁

家乡: 芝加哥,
主要: International Studies and Educational Studies
当前职业: Diverse Learner Teacher at Tarkington School of Excellence in 芝加哥,
最近的识别: Recipient of the 博彩平台网址大全 Jonathan Levin Prize in Education 2020
Extracurricular Activities at Trinity: Student 招生 Associate, La Voz Latina (总统), First-Year Mentor
Research or Internships while at Trinity: Educational Studies Thesis (fall 2019), Multicultural Recruitment Team Intern (2017-2020), Urban Education Leaders Internship Program with DC Public Schools (summer 2018), Intern for AMUMRA (Grassroots Organization for Migrant and Refugee Women in Argentina, 2019年夏天)


Trinity was a strong fit for me during my college search process because I wanted to join a community that valued an intimate learning experience through small class sizes. I was also seeking a campus that encourages students to explore and get engaged. Whether that was through various opportunities to study away, attending off-campus outings to connect with the greater 哈特福德 community, or exploring various career opportunities offered through the Center for Student Success and Career Development, I knew I would not be bored at Trinity and living in the city of 哈特福德, CT.

Posse gave me an open door to step into a life experience very far from anything any of my family members have experienced. As a first-generation student at Trinity, I discovered life mentors and friends who serve as my support system through my career exploration and world travels, and who encourage me to be the best version of myself everyday. Posse taught me that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Doors will open, support will come, and I, too, deserve a seat at the table.

One of my favorite Trinity experiences dates back to my first year of college during J-Term (January Term) 2016. My first-year seminar focused on the people and cultures of the Himalayas, and then concluded with a two-week excursion through the city of Kathmandu and the Himalayan Mountains. 我和同龄人一起旅行, 教授, and first-year mentor to a country I never imagined myself stepping foot in. I still get goosebumps reflecting back on this trip because of the unforgettable, precious moments I spent with a group of 15 members of 博彩平台网址大全. We spent nights looking up at the stars in complete awe, hours of trekking in high elevation unsure if we could make it to the finish line, and countless moments of gratitude for the beautiful wonders of the world. I knew I was blessed to be part of such a unique experience thanks to Trinity.

在生活中追寻你的好奇心. 永远不要停止问问题, 不要忘记停下来反思, and embrace all of your accomplishments. Do not be afraid to fail because those are prized moments of new knowledge and growth.