
家乡: 芝加哥,伊利诺斯州
主要: 人权专业 & 社区行动未成年人
课外活动: Charleston House of Interfaith (President 2020-21) and La Voz Latina (Social Media Specialist 2020-21)
一团实习 (summer after first year): Organize events in career and leadership programming with Posse 工作人员 such as Academic Immersion Day, 夏季奥运会, 和防火试验
比林斯锻炉的厨房 (first semester): Working with various classmates in order to create a video summarizing how the non-profit’s location has been positively affecting the community
True Colors非营利组织 (second semester): Worked with various classmates and True Colors to complete a social media audit and create research-based strategies to grow True Color’s Instagram, 推特, 和Facebook账号


I believe Trinity was a strong fit for me because I was really looking for that small-college vibe. 在一所有3人的大高中上学是什么感觉,500人,还有一所只有1人的小型高中,500, 我知道我会在一个较小的研讨会教室里茁壮成长. 除了博彩平台网址大全的规模,我对学校的文科教育也很感兴趣. 进入大学后, I had no idea what major I wanted to declare and Trinity offered me the time that I needed in order to find what I really had a passion for.

Posse has had a huge impact on my experience at Trinity because the program has acted as a safety net. 有一群我可以以任何理由求助的人对我很有帮助. 诚实, it was reassuring to have a stable friend group so that I could both explore new friendships but keep in mind that if I didn’t fit in, 如果需要的话,我可以“回到我的根”. 我来到校园从来没有真正的孤独,我很幸运有这样的经历.

我在博彩平台网址大全最喜欢的经历是朋友们留下的回忆——包括教授们, 工作人员, 和同学. 博彩平台网址大全提供了一个真正的学习空间,而不仅仅是作为一个学生, 但作为同一学术领域的同行.  我和这些人在博彩平台网址大全的经历将永远是我美好的回忆. This collaborative environment is definitely not one that I thought I would have in college; a life long family-like support system from professors, 的同事们, 和朋友.

我期待着见到每一届新学生. 现在我大三了,生活似乎过得很快, I honestly just love getting to know new faces on campus and share wisdom with them that I would have needed in their shoes. 我很难过,我已经完成了两年的学业, 但我很期待在接下来的两年里见到所有的新面孔.

记住,大学不仅仅是学习. 这是关于建立关系, 学习你喜欢和感兴趣的东西, 最重要的是,在做这一切的过程中获得乐趣. I won’t go and say that these next four years are going to be the best years of your life because that’s cliche. 然而,我要说的是,一些你最喜欢的回忆将在这里发生. 这些记忆将塑造你的每一部分,所以确保它们是你想要的记忆.


家乡: 芝加哥,
主要: 政治科学
课外活动: 地下咖啡馆的咖啡师, 招生大使, 职业发展实习生, 预算委员会委员, La Voz Latina, 榆木斯文学协会


在我找大学的过程中, Trinity seemed like a strong fit for me because it is a small college located on the East Coast that provides extensive support to study abroad.

从高中一年级开始,我就知道我想上一所州外的大学. 我记得我申请西北学院的时候, 这是芝加哥公立学校学生的大学预科课程, 我告诉面试官我很想去东海岸. 在我参加这个项目的第三年, my peers and I were offered the opportunity to attend college tours and I immediately applied to be considered for the East Coast trip. 我很高兴能在2018年春假期间参观博彩平台网址大全. What stuck out to me was my tour guide pointing out how helpful Trinity was at assisting students who wanted to study abroad. 我打算主修国际关系, 所以确保我能出国留学对我来说非常重要.

I attended a small high school with teachers and counselors who knew me by my name and became an integral part of my life. They knew my academic strengths and weaknesses and they were always available to help me improve upon my skills. 这就是我想要的大学生活环境,我在博彩平台网址大全找到了. 小班授课非常有益. I took a 300-level political science course that was made up of 15 students and I was the only first-year student. 由于班级规模小, 我能够茁壮成长,而且很容易得到教授的帮助, Reo松崎. 每当我需要帮助理解一篇文章或想提高我的写作技巧时, 松崎教授全程都在. 现在他是我的学术顾问, and I feel confident that I will continue to be successful since he is already very attentive and committed.

在高中的最后一年,我一直在努力平衡自己的心理健康, 类, 课外活动, 以及参加每周的Posse会议. 尽管如此, 我的团队导师, 莉兹和莫莉, 是否从一开始就支持我,并继续提供很好的建议. 现在我在校园里,援助ali Aponte教授是周围最好的Posse导师! 她一直是伟大的笑话和支持的宝贵来源. No matter the day, she has been there for my Posse and me in an academic and professional capacity. 在我的第一学期, I decided not to go home for Thanksgiving break and Professor Aponte hosted a dinner for Posse scholars and other students who were staying on campus. She goes above and beyond every time because she takes the time to get to know us as individuals and as a Posse. 查理·林德奎斯特也是一位伟大的导师! He visited my Posse during our first semester and I mentioned to him that I had a summer internship in mind, 芝加哥大学城市实验室. 他立刻帮我联系了一位在城市实验室工作的波塞校友, 然后她帮我联系了一位来自加州波莫纳学院的波塞学者! The Pomona Posse scholar openly shared his internship experience at Urban Labs and he even shared his cover letter to assist me, 因为我之前没有写过求职信. 我确实申请了Urban Labs,但他们因为COVID-19取消了我申请的实验室. 当我向查理汇报情况时,他提出了另一个我可能感兴趣的实习机会. 到这里为止, 查理去了西北学院工作, 我参加了四年的大学预科课程! He took the time to stay in touch and even offered me a paid internship position at Northwestern Academy! 在这些不确定的时期,这意味着世界仍然拥有这些机会. I am over the moon about working with the same people who helped get me to Trinity and getting to know high school students going through the same process I did. Posse让社交变得轻而易举!

I would have to say that my favorite Trinity experience so far has been working as a 招生大使 (SRA) in the 招生 Office. My job is to edit the profiles of tour guides and other SRAs before they are shared with prospective students. 阅读这些个人资料让我看到了我的同龄人在校园里所做的令人难以置信的工作, 在哈特福德, 在世界各地. 我很受鼓舞,也非常感激能成为一个努力工作的, 富有洞察力的, 有创意的, 坚定的大学社区! 尽管由于新冠肺炎,这学期的期末考试很有挑战性, 我已经重新振作起来,准备好和博彩平台网址大全的同学们一起解决任何问题, 教师, 还有我身边的工作人员.

我期待着出国留学, 学习更多有趣的课程, 并与博彩平台网址大全的杰出人士建立有意义的联系.

As a political science major with a special interest in international relations studying abroad is vital. 我相信,为了成为一名成功的政治学专业学生, learning about political organizations and governments firsthand will add to my academic toolkit in invaluable ways. 在我的第一年, 我很幸运地通过博彩平台网址大全的J-Term项目在巴黎留学了两周. 在这短短的时间里,我和我的同学、教授和室友建立了很好的联系. 当你和同学一起旅行时, 它们成为了这种体验的重要组成部分, 所以我迫不及待地想在未来的几年里继续结交好朋友!

COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges to your last years of high school and to the college admissions process. 不要! Trinity’s admissions team has been working diligently to ensure that there are incredible students available to tell you all about their experiences and lend a helping hand during these times. 请随时联系你申请的大学的招生团队. Become acquainted with how these colleges deal with challenges because that will speak volumes about their commitment to their students, 即使在你们早期的相遇中. I personally wish you the best of luck and give you credit for pushing through to find a college that fits you. 你已经在建立韧性,并且明确地承诺, 这两者都是作为博彩平台网址大全学生所拥有的伟大技能和价值观!



家乡: 芝加哥高地,伊利诺伊州
主要: 人权和公共政策 & 法律或西班牙研究
课外活动: 巢艺术家,鼓励尊重性(EROS),多元文化招募组(MRT)


根据我的高中经历, 我想在城市里找一所亲密的、以讨论为基础的大学. More so, I’ve always been passionate about human rights, so I was drawn to Trinity’s unique program.

我把我成功过渡到大学归功于Posse. 博彩平台网址大全一录取我, 我获得了一个新的家庭,有年长的“兄弟姐妹”,他们是我的导师和亲密的朋友. All of my Posse family welcomed me with open arms and provided resources for me to flourish and thrive. 我没有感到害羞或想家,因为我已经融入了校园.

我很难特别说出一个, 但是当我和朋友在地下咖啡馆的时候,我总是觉得自己最开心. 在那里我总能感受到被爱和被关心十有八九, 我咯咯笑是因为我的朋友们正在说/做的事情.

我和波塞家族在学校成立了一个艺术团体, 巢的艺术家, and I am very excited to create a community of artists on and off-campus to witness all of the talent.

虽然有时候跟随自己的内心,把自己放出来是很吓人的, 我强烈建议你对你的大学生涯自私一点. 这是真正成年前的最后一步, 享受生活并利用所有提供的机会是很重要的. 虽然你应该对未来负责,为未来做计划,但要确保你活在当下.