目标- - - - - -本专业的学习结构可以满足以下任何一个目标:

  • Preparation for further graduate study within the sciences
  • 培养严格的科学背景,以便在法律等专业课程中进行研究生水平的培训, 规划, 医学, 业务, 公共政策, or environmental engineering
  • 作为文科教育主要组成部分的环境科学的全面基础


The environmental science program’s learning goals can be found 在这里.


Fourteen 课程s and an integrating experience are required for the major. Only 课程s with a grade of C- or better may be counted toward the major.

基础 课程s: Five foundational 课程s are required. 建议学生在大二结束前修完这些课程. 学生 are encouraged to take a full year of each science, including physics and a full year of mathematics. 特别鼓励计划参加研究生院的学生花一年的时间学习微积分,以及与他们的导师协商的额外数学课程. 物理课程的要求可以通过一门门户课程来满足,如下所述.S. 和B.A. 选项.

核心 课程s: Three environmental science core 课程s. All three 课程s are required.

综合经验:包括研究或实习在内的综合经验. 这半学分的要求旨在为学生提供解决环境问题的经验,可以通过图书馆来满足, 场, 或通过实验室研究或通过批准的实习或独立学习. 学生必须有他们的计划完成这一要求,由他们的顾问和项目主任批准,然后才能开始他们的工作. To fulfill the requirement, 学生向他们的环境科学指导老师提交以下材料:一份关于他们的活动和经历的日志, a letter from their supervisor (if work is completed outside the College), and a reflection paper. 学生 will also give a final, 在大四春季学期公开展示他们的经历,作为满足这一要求的一部分. 学生 must satisfy this requirement during their junior or senior year.

  • env 399. 独立学习
  • env 405. Internship in Environmental Science
  • env 419. Research in Environmental Science (Library)
  • env 425. Research in Environmental Science (Laboratory)
  • env 497. 荣誉的研究

Two concentration 课程s as outlined in table below.

Two 课程s from the social sciences/humanities electives list. New 课程s may be offered as electives.

另外两门自然科学或社会科学/人文学科的选修课程如下所列.S. 和B.A. 度的选择. New 课程s may be offered as electives.

Bachelor of science in
environmental science
environmental science
env 112升
数学107, 207, or 131a
phy 101升 or 141L 或者一种天然的
科学网关 课程b
env 112升
数学107, 207, or 131a
101年的今天 or 141L 或者一种天然的
科学网关b 或者社会科学c 课程
env 149升
env 375升
env 401
Integrating experience
env 149升
env 375升
env 401
Integrating experience
env 204升
env 230升
One 课程 from the B.S.
concentration requirement list;
one 课程 from the social
science/humanities 课程 liste
Two 课程s from the social
science/humanities 课程 liste
Two 课程s from the social
science/humanities 课程 liste
A minimum of two credits from the
natural science electives 课程 listd
A minimum of two credits in any
combination from the natural science or
social science/humanities 课程 listsd,e
15 15

a Or any 课程 in mathematics with a prerequisite of MATH 131.

b Natural 科学网关 课程s:

  • env 110. 地球的气候
  • env 115. 自然灾害
  • env 141. Global Perspectives in Biodiversity and Conservation

c 攻读环境科学文科学士学位的学生还可以通过以下社会科学入门课程之一完成一门基础课程的要求:

  • PBPL 123. Fundamentals of American Law
  • URST 101. Introduction to Urban Studies

d 自然科学选修课(列表可能会随着新课程的开设而改变):

  • 杂志215升. 植物学
  • 杂志222升. Invertebrate Zoology
  • 杂志233年. 保护生物学
  • 杂志234年. Global Change, Evolution, 和Biodiversity
  • 杂志302年. Amphibian Ecology and Conservation
  • 杂志304年. Wildlife Biology and Management
  • 化学211升. Elementary Organic Chemistry I
  • 化学311升. Analytical Chemistry
  • 化学312升. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
  • 消费品安全委员会215升. Data Structures and Algorithms
  • 同上232升. Engineering Materials
  • 工程师337. 热力学
  • env 286. Theory and Application of Geographic Information Systems*
  • env 305. 土壤科学
  • env 310. Environmental Geophysics
  • env 350. Field Study in Environmental Science (1/2 credit only)
  • 数学252. Introduction to Mathematical Modeling I
  • phy 231升. Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism and Waves

e 社会科学/人文学科选修课(名单可能会随着新课程的开设而改变):

  • 尖刺外壳209. Are We in the Anthropocene?
  • 尖刺外壳227. Introduction to Political Ecology
  • 尖刺外壳253. 都市人类学
  • ECON 209或305. 城市经济学
  • 经济学217或307. 卫生经济学
  • 经济225. Economics of Climate Change
  • 经济301. Microeconomic Theory
  • 英格兰331年. Literature of Native New England
  • 经济336. The Market for Green Goods
  • 英格兰338年. Beyond Nature Worship: New Theories of Environmentalism
  • 英格兰360年. 《博彩平台网址大全》
  • 英格兰448年. Plants in Literature and Film
  • env 203. Religion and Climate Change
  • 嘘219. 地球
  • 嘘311. Sense of Place in the Native Northeast
  • 嘘326. Disaster Archipelago: Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and the Japanese
  • 嘘335. Chinese Environmental History
  • 嘘367. 气候与历史
  • 嘘395. 阿尔卑斯山的历史
  • int /政客们263. Global Environmental Politics
  • 整数340. 气候与历史
  • PBPL 220. Research and Evaluation
  • PBPL 302. Law and Environmental Policy
  • 政客们314. Comparative Urban Development
  • 政客们324. Environmental Issues in International Relations
  • 206年心理学. Environmental Psychology and 可持续性
  • 212年心理学. Landscape Planning and Environmental Education for Brain Health
  • SOCL会225. 气候正义
  • RHET 226. Writing about Places
  • SOCL会227. From 哈特福德 to World Cities
  • TNTB 216. Ridge-to-Reef: Conservation Policy and Practice in Northeast Tobago
  • URST 210. Sustainable Urban Development

The Writing Intensive Part II requirement is fulfilled by env 375升. Methods in Environmental Science and env 401. Advanced Seminar in Environmental Science.


跳级环境科学AP考试成绩达到4分或5分的学生可免修env 149升课程,并可获得该专业1个学分. 然而, 强烈建议学生选择env 149升,因为该课程涵盖了许多具体的当地环境问题.

Teaching assistantship学生可能会被ENVS老师要求担任各种课程的助教. 学生 who accept this offer must register for ENVS 466. 学分, but not major credit, is given for teaching assistants, and grading is on a pass/low pass/fail basis.

Courses at other institutions学生如欲在其他院校主修课程,应:(1)获得注册主任批准, (二)向环境科学项目主任提交机构名称, 数量, title, and catalog description of the 课程 and, 如果可能的话, 教学大纲. 这些信息必须在工作开始之前以书面形式提交,并且必须获得正式许可才能将课程记入博彩平台网址大全的专业. 有些学生可能也希望参加学期课程,重点是认真研究环境科学. 适合博彩平台网址大全环境科学专业学生经常参加的项目有:

  • School for Field Studies
  • Marine Biological Laboratory Semester in Environmental Science, Woods Hole
  • Duke University Marine Laboratory
  • Sea Education Association, Woods Hole
  • EcoQuest, New Zealand
  • Danish Institute for Study Abroad
  • 科廷大学

经环境科学项目主任批准,最多三门课程(加一 .从博彩平台网址大全扣除的5个学分的研究经验可以计入环境科学专业. Under special circumstances, students may petition the program for permission to transfer additional 课程s; transfer students wishing to transfer more than three 课程s should petition at the time of admission.

荣誉,寻求进入环境科学荣誉课程的学生必须在第六学期课程的第六周之前向主任提交书面申请. The Environmental Science Coordinating Committee will act on each application. 寻求荣誉的学生必须在第五学期之前完成至少五门专业课程,这些课程的平均成绩必须至少达到B+ (3).3). 五个学期后不符合荣誉课程资格的学生可能会被教师邀请在以后的时间进入该课程.

After acceptance into the honors program, students must maintain a GPA of B+ in their environmental science 课程s. 此外,他们必须进行两个学期的环境科学研究(env 419或425). 荣誉课程在荣誉论文(env 497)和公开演讲中达到高潮. Upon completion of these requirements, 环境科学协调委员会将投票授予其认为合格的候选人荣誉. Under exceptional circumstances, 协调委员会可以考虑那些没有参加荣誉项目但有特别杰出工作的荣誉研究学生.

Field studies in environmental science:每年, 环境科学教员对美国的一个特定地区进行10到12天的实地考察.S. 还是在国外. 这次旅行向博彩平台网址大全的学生介绍了环境科学的实地方法. 学生 study the geology, 生态, and history of human impact on the region visited, which varies from year to year. 学生 also gain experience in basic 场 sampling techniques, observational skills, 田野笔记, and methods for data analysis and interpretation. The trip occurs in either spring or late summer, depending on the destination; registration for env 350 thus occurs in spring or fall semester, 分别.